
We are thrilled to welcome you to the world of AI in internet marketing. This is Alex Phoenix and James Miller connecting with you again to officially launch you into the exciting realm of leveraging artificial intelligence to grow your online business and achieve remarkable success.

In this first email, we will explain what AI is, provide an overview of the top AI platforms available today, and, most importantly, outline how you can harness the power of AI as a newbie marketer with little to no money. Let’s get started!

What is AI, and How Does It Relate to Marketing?

AI or artificial intelligence refers to computer systems or machines that are designed to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. In the context of marketing, AI allows you to automate certain tasks and processes to become more efficient and productive.

With AI, you can:

  • Create high-quality content quickly
  • Conduct market research and analysis
  • Improve customer segmentation and targeting
  • Generate product descriptions and ad copies
  • Optimize websites and landing pages
  • Analyze performance data to refine campaigns
  • Automate chatbots and email sequencing
  • And much more!

As you can see, AI has opened up tremendous possibilities when it comes to streamlining and enhancing marketing operations. The exciting news is that AI tools are now more accessible than ever, even for newbie marketers.

Top AI Platforms and Tools for Marketers

Here are some of the most popular AI platforms and tools used by marketers today:

  • Jarvis by Anthropic – Powerful AI assistant for writing, research, data analysis, content creation, and more
  • Jasper by Anthropic – AI-generated copywriting
  • Grammarly – Checks writing for errors and improvements
  • Buffer – Automates social media posting
  • SEMrush – SEO and keyword research
  • Hubspot – Marketing automation and analytics
  • Unbounce – Creates high-converting landing pages.
  • Mailchimp – Email marketing automation
  • Chatfuel – Builds chatbots without coding

The best part? Many of these tools offer free versions or discounts for small businesses and solopreneurs. With just your laptop and an internet connection, you can access the same game-changing AI technologies big marketing agencies use.

Leveraging AI as a Newbie with Limited Funds

While paid tools provide more extensive features, you can kickstart your AI-powered marketing with free resources:

  • Leverage free trials: Take advantage of free trials from premium tools like Jarvis and SEMrush to experience the benefits firsthand.
  • Use basic features: Many tools offer robust free plans with their core features. Build up your skills before upgrading.
  • Prioritize essentials: Focus on spending on 1-2 key tools like Jarvis for copywriting rather than trying to use everything.
  • Learn hands-on: Dive into tutorials and online courses to learn how to maximize free tools.
  • Invest time: Manually testing content variations, analyzing data, and crafting emails will take time but cost nothing.
  • Find student discounts: Take advantage of student pricing if you are enrolled at a university.
  • Share costs: Split subscriptions with friends/colleagues by sharing logins where allowed.

While paid tools can accelerate your progress, focus first on developing the marketing fundamentals and hands-on testing. Once you begin seeing results from initial efforts, reinvest profits into upgraded tools.

The Power of Combining AI and Traditional Marketing

At its core, marketing remains about connecting with audiences and adding value. AI enhances but cannot replace that human element completely.

The most effective approach entails combining AI with traditional marketing skills:

  • Use AI to automate tedious tasks like writing descriptions or posting on social media.
  • Leverage human insight to customize content and engagement for specific audiences.
  • Employ emotional intelligence to build relationships, address concerns, and close deals.
  • Maintain accountability by reviewing and editing all AI-generated content.
  • Continue honing traditional marketing skills like copywriting, analytics, and research.

With the right balance of automation and human touch, AI will skyrocket your productivity and success as a newbie marketer.

We hope this overview gets you excited about the possibilities with AI! Remember, technology simply acts as a tool while you remain the driving force. In the next email, we’ll dive into specific AI tools and how to use them for business success.

To your future,
powered by AI!

Jim Davis, Founder,
Alex Phoenix & James Miller, Content Creators
P9NW, Online Success Unleashed,
And more to come!

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